Green Marketing Conscience

Better Options for Better Living!

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BROKERAGE Quebec, Canada




Contact: Laurent Giroux


15 Years in commercial sales including Key accounts.

Grand Award Eastern Region
Best sales rep in 2008-2009-2010

Our strategies to increase sales in your enterprises.

health food brokerBreak the reasons for which ones your customers withstand.

health food brokerStrategic development to oppose their objections.


health food brokerSurround their needs, their expectations and their preoccupations.

health food brokerDevelopment of a strategy versus their competitions.

health food brokerDistinction of your products and service versus the competition.

health food broker To inhibit comments like «: it’s to expensive ».

health food broker Techniques to increase your profits.

health food broker Personalized sales and marketing tools for your customers.

health food broker Obtaining and securing “eye level” merchandising.

health food broker Creation of spreadsheet to ensure proper follow up of your customers.

health food broker Realize short and long term goals.

health food broker Share sales knowledge with co-workers.


Contact us now and get free visibility on


CALL NOW 514-777-8822





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