Green Marketing Conscience

Better Options for Better Living!

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Co-working, better options for better living! believes passionately in co-working.


What is co-working?


We have choose dot CO for Co-working: Advances in communication technology and remote working mean that in many cases having a dedicated space for a single business has become an unjustifiable expense - both commercially and environmentally. Co-working is all about bringing businesses together in a sustainable shared environment, often with dozens or even hundreds of businesses under one roof in a single organic ecosystem. The benefits in saved costs, skill sharing and resources are good for business and good for the planet.


InfoNaturel is proud to support Kiva, Why Kiva?


*Kiva Intl is a non-profit microfinance organisation whose mission is to alleviate world poverty through brokering business loans to people without access to conventional credit. Kiva has so far facilitated over $100 million in loans to entrepreneurs in developing countries. Click here to find out more about Kiva


Founder and editor Laurent Giroux is a registered Kiva Lender



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